Help ensure immediate and long-term support for underserved communities

Here for communities, here for hope

Hopesalive Initiative for Africa – HAI works to bring hope and improve well-being in Nigerian and African communities. Our goal is to reduce poverty and social, economic and environmental hardships, creating a more fair society.

“According to the World Bank, Nigeria currently has a poverty rate of about 46.3%. This means that nearly half of the population of Nigeria, live below the poverty line.”

African communities suffer from various crises and challenges, including food and water insecurity, displacement, inadequate healthcare and education, weak governance, and the devastating effects of climate change. In addition, poverty, inequality, and discrimination amplify the impact of these crises, leaving African communities increasingly vulnerable and unable to recover.


In Nigeria, 87 million people are living in extreme poverty. This means 1 in 2 people are struggling to survive. The cost of living is making poverty worse, particularly among disadvantaged communities, older people, women, families with children, and the disabled. Many will likely go without meals, become homeless, or remain in abusive relationships because they cannot afford to leave.